Ultimi post

sabato 9 aprile 2016

Happy Birthday

Buongiorno cari amici!
Oggi sul blog di Yupplacraft troverete una mia card di ispirazione... molto particolare!
Ho usato le letterine in cartonlegno per comporre un augurio in modo stravagante e per nulla ordinato...

Il sentiment è al centro della card, nel posto d'onore!
Per vedere ulteriori immagini del biglietto vi aspetto qui: troverete anche il link al materiale che ho utilizzato!!!

Partecipo a:

Spero tanto che questa card vi sia piaciuta... vi aspetto presto con una nuova ispirazione!
Ciao ciao!!!

9 commenti:

  1. What a super card and so pretty.Love how you've arranged the lettering.Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments.Hope to see you again next week.
    Lisa x

  2. This is lovely, thank you for sharing with us at Penny's ..And good luck.

    Caz PPC DT XX
    My Blog
    Pennys Paper-Crafty
    Crafty Catz

  3. This is a great card.
    Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments.

  4. I just love the design of this card - the way the letters are arranged and the great colours. Thank you for joining us at Fab'n Funky.
    Alison x

  5. omgosh! i just LOVE this!!! thank you for playing along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!

  6. Love your card. Great way to get the greeting on by your letter placement. Love it. Thanks for playing along with us at Lil' Patch of Crafty Friends. Sorry I'm late visiting, but better late than never, right!!
    Lynn aka Lynnpenguin, LPoCF DT

  7. Hi there Anna love how you have randomly arranged the letters of happy birthday like that .. they look awesome well done on your great card!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Bizzy Becs Anything Goes Challenge and for the inspiration.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Bizzy Becs DT}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Hi Anna I have done a post on how to add Google translate to your blog if you are interested. My blog will translate the post into Italian for you.
      Ciao Anna ho fatto un post su come aggiungere Google translate al tuo blog, se siete interessati. Il mio blog si tradurrà post in italiano per voi.

      {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz- how to add Google Translate}


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